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ISSN Magazine Barcodes


International Standard Serial Numbers are the numbers allocated to every periodical publications such as magazines or journals. These numbers are applied through an international organization that allocates all ISSN numbers. If you already have an ISSN number, then you can purchase the magazine barcodes images here. If you need an ISSN Number, these can be applied for here.

Before purchasing your ISSN barcode, you may wish to consider which format you want your ISSN Barcode to be.

ISSN Barcodes Format

ISSN Barcodes come in 3 main formats:

1. The 8 digit ISSN number is converted to a 13 digit number by adding a 977 to the beginning, taking away the check-digit, adding two numbers (00) to the end, and recalculating the check-digit. The number is then created as an image using EAN-13 Symbology, which can easily be read by all barcode scanners and is essentially the same as other products with EAN-13 barcodes on them that go into stores. In this case, the same number would be printed on each issue of the magazine.

2. Again the 8 digit ISSN number is converted to a 13 digit number. However, this time, the ’00’ added on end is changed various times to create a different EAN-13 image each time. In this case, a separate barcode image would be created for each issue of the magazine.

3. The final format involves converting the ISSN number in the same way as option one. However, in this case, an additional 2-digit supplement code is added to the end, creating a 15 digit (EAN-13+2) number. The supplement changes for each issue and can be done on a monthly (01-12) or weekly (01-52) basis (or any other way you wish).

In the UK, the 13+2 format (option 3) is the most common. Other countries tend more towards the 13 digit formats (options 1 and 2). – It is a good idea to check the stores you are hoping to stock your magazine to establish which format is the most common.

It should be noted that options 2 and 3 involve creating multiple images for the ISSN number and thus are more expensive.

  • ISSN Barcode Images

    Here you can purchase ISSN Barcode images (for magazines, journals, and periodicals). These will be emailed through to you in 4 different formats (Bitmap, eps., tiff, Jpeg, PDF) once the order has been received.

    Please enter your 8 digit ISSN number in the additional information section when filling out your details after proceeding to checkout. Also, specify if you require an alternative format for your barcode (i.e. 13+2).

    Quantity    Price per image
    1 Rs. 3,000
    2 Rs. 2,600 each
    3 Rs. 2,100 each
    4 – 9 Rs. 1,500 each
    10 – 19 Rs. 1,000 each
    20 – 49 Rs. 800 each
    50 + Rs. 500 each

    If you require a series of ISSN Numbers please contact us

    Add to cart

If you have a book and require barcodes for this, please see our book barcodes section.

Look here for CD barcodes and  DVD barcodes.