Carton Barcodes

Carton Barcodes

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  • How to Buy ITF-14 Carton Barcodes

    Here you can buy the required quantity of ITF-14 Carton Barcodes. They will be emailed to you in standard size in 4 different formats (.jpg, .pdf, .png, .svg) once the order has been received.

    If you have already bought the EAN-13 or UPC-12 barcodes, and you are the sole owner as certified by the GTIN certificate. Please go through the features below:

    • As many as 9 ITF-14 carton barcodes can be made by 1 EAN-13 barcode number. Therefore, according to the EAN-13 quantity you have, and the ITF-14 barcodes you wish to buy, insert the EAN-13 barcodes number in the “additional information” box upon checkout.
    • If you own UPC-12 barcodes, you will have to insert “0” at the start of each of them, and then insert them in the “additional information” box. You can get 9 ITF-14 barcodes generated, with a single UPC-12 barcode.
    • In the scenario, where alongside buying EAN-13 or UPC-12 barcodes, you are also purchasing ITF-14 barcodes, then insert “N/A” in the “additional information” box.



    Quantity    Price per image
    1 Rs. 3,000
    2 Rs. 2,600 each
    3 Rs. 2,100 each
    4 – 9 Rs. 1,500 each
    10 – 19 Rs. 1,000 each
    20 – 49 Rs. 800 each
    50 + Rs. 500 each
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